Feb 11, 2013

Eliminate Stretch Marks with These Tips

Strokes that occur in the body after experiencing excessive stretching of the skin or known as stretch marks are experienced by most pregnant women, and one thing that is hard to avoid.

7 Kinds of Stomach Pain that May be HARMFUL

stomach pain
Stomach or Abdominal pain is a common complaint that is very easy to find in everyday life. But sometimes abdominal pain is not only from the stomach itself. Some types of abdominal pain can indicate a more serious disease.

How to improve health care in America

health care for citizen

As citizens of America, although it is not unrealistic to think that we can easily change the national health care plan in the United States. But there are some points that we can contribute to the government as we thought.

Feb 10, 2013

Standing position can Prevent Pregnancy?

standing position prevent pregnancy
One of the myths that exist about how to prevent pregnancy is to have sex by using the stand up style. Is it true that if we engage in intercourse on a stand it will reduce the risk of pregnancy? Let's take look how medical review about these myth.

Sodium Hyaluronate Injection for Osteoarthritis Pain

Sodium Hyaluronate Injection
Sodium Hyaluronate (HS) is a chemical that is engineering by medic science which has similarities to chemical substances which present in the human bone joints.

Feb 9, 2013

How to shrink big fat arm for women?

arm training for women
Are you among women who feel inferior because it has a big arm and fatty? If it’s true, then follow these instructions.

Is Masturbation Can Cause Premature Ejaculation?

man fail on bed

Has been a long debate among the men that by doing masturbation can cause sexual dysfunction which is "premature ejaculation" in men. But is this assumption really true?

American Youth were more Stressed and Less Confident than Older Generations

According to a recent survey titled Stress in America, people aged 18-33 years reported having an average stress level is higher than the older generation. Even the generation known as the Millennium generation is also said to not have the confidence of the older generation, especially in dealing with the stress they experienced.

Feb 8, 2013

Why Present Value of "Annuity Due" higher than "Ordinary Annuity"?

invest growth
Why is the present value of the annuity due higher than that of the ordinary annuity? To answer this question, let's look at the same time understanding the difference between these two annuities.

Sell Annuity Payment, Good or Bad Choice?

Pic by Thickstock
Having good annuity with structured payments certainly be one of the good form of investment. Receiving cash reward investment returns on a monthly or between a certain time period can be a fun especially when you have retired. But life was not as beautiful as we had hoped. There are times when you are faced with a situation where you need cash immediately. Then if there is an instant way to make money fast?

Are you able to sell annuities? is it good or bad choice?