American Youth were more Stressed and Less Confident than Older Generations

Feb 9, 2013

American Youth were more Stressed and Less Confident than Older Generations

According to a recent survey titled Stress in America, people aged 18-33 years reported having an average stress level is higher than the older generation. Even the generation known as the Millennium generation is also said to not have the confidence of the older generation, especially in dealing with the stress they experienced.

However, a survey conducted by the American Psychological Association and involved 2020 adults aged 18 years and over also found that adults with the youngest age in the survey are the most anxiety.

In detail, the Millennium generation (aged 18-33 years) have an average stress level of 5.4 out of a scale of 1-10 (1 indicates 'feel little or no stress at all' and 10 indicates 'high stress'), whereas nationally, the average stress scale was 4.9.

In addition, 39 percent of the Millennium generation claimed their stress levels are also increased in the past year, whereas only perceived stress increased 36 percent Generation X (28-45 years), 33 percent of Baby Boomers (46-64 years) and 29 percent of 67-year-old generation up.

As quoted from the NY Daily News, Saturday (09/02/2013), the biggest source of stress on the Millennium generation is the stress at work, about money and job stability.

Worse, the Millennium generation is also reported increasingly distressed by his condition because almost half of the participants were not so sure of being able to manage the anxiety they experienced.

In fact more than half of the participants claimed that worries him awake at night at least once a month, whereas Generation X who experience it only as much as 48 percent, 37 percent of Baby Boomers and the generation aged 67 years and above 25 percent.

However, as with the older generation, most of the Millennium generation agreed on the importance of discussing the symptoms of stress experienced by physicians. But only 23 percent are convinced that the Millennium generation health system provide great support to their condition.

Interestingly is that only 17 percent of participants who provide very high value on their doctors to help manage their stress.

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