Aug 9, 2010

Eliminate Acne with Sports

Many women who complain and disturb by the pimples that wont go away. It turned out that exercise can help to eliminate acne in addition to beauty products.

Basically, physical activity has a major role in skin health. The new study says that people with acne tend not to exercise or physical activity in their lives compared with people who are not acne.

Sport and physical activity increases blood flow in the body. This makes the skin get more oxygen.

Sweating is one way to remove toxins from the body. In addition, sweating also helps clean the pores of the body.

We exercise regularly, you've helped organ function in the body become more effective. Functioning of excretory organs will help the body to extract and preserve the nutrients from food and eliminate toxins from the body.

Physical exercise is also the best way to reduce stress and to equalize the levels of hormones in the body. Two factors play a major role in the appearance of acne.