Scientists have been looking for the missing link connecting humans to other mammals for centuries. And now, The Human Missing Link Found by Darwinists rejoice Missing link found. Scientists in New York have unveiled the skeleton of what could be the common ancestor to human’s apes and other primates. Announced the discovery of the most complete transitional fossil primate ever found. One of the fun things to track is cranial capacity over time and we find that Homo.
Now they only need to find the missing link of dogs cats rats horses and all the other species. Darwin validated Missing link found. Or that’s what scientists are claiming and now they’re likening themselves to pop stars. They found the missing link between humans and apes. Today at the American Museum of Natural History in New York a revolutionary discovery one that will stand as a milestone for paleontologists.
Human Missing Link Found today, it was announced. We know a good portion of the fossil records but like anything that relies on fossils there are gaps referred to colloquially as missing links. Well a missing link not necessarily the missing link although insofar as it seems to confirm Darwin’s speculation about transitional species its a huge coup for fans of Uncle Charlie. When they are done looking for we current humans will probably be the new. The fossil described as Darwinius masillae shows prosimian characteristics. A new genus and species of primate was unveiled today.
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